Integrity Advocate or Respondus?

Based in Redmond, Washington, Respondus “develops assessment applications for the education, training and certification markets.” Applications include LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.

We believe that organizations should be free to select the right tool based on their unique needs. The following comparison chart highlights the main differences between our solution and others.


Why select Integrity Advocate over Respondus?

Every organization tells you why what they do makes them better. Below, we tell you what we don't do and why that makes us the better fit for many organizations.


Integrity Advocate

Requires users to have either a computer or an iPad equipped with a Web camera, microphone and broadband internet connection.

Works across all modern devices, including computers, tablets, and even phones.

For LockDown Browser to be used, learners need install a program as they “will not be able to take the quiz with a standard web browser."

Users are not required to download or install any extension, plug-in, or program.

LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor are priced separately and based on the size (FTE) of the utilizing organization.

Support issues relating to any “problems downloading, installing, or taking an assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser” are to be managed by their “instructor or your institution’s help desk.“

When using Respondus Monitor instructors need to “access information about the quiz sessions” and “review the recorded videos”.

Full-service end-to-end technology and service combination.

Billing is event-based, with volume discounts. Events include re-tests/reattempts, full session reviews by human invigilators, and learner support via web resources, phone, chat, and email — all at no additional cost.

“The default data retention period for Respondus Monitor is five years. Respondus uses AWS servers which are located in the United States.“

Deletes learner ID and all media not flagged to support a violation within 24 hours and the remainder of data at 24 months (unless requested sooner by the learner or utilizing organization). 

All data is by default stored in Canada but can be stored contractually in specific data safe zones.

Learner videos can “be viewed within the online course itself” and “instructor[s] will have rights to view the videos, or someone with” applicable LMS administrative access.

Ensures no third parties can watch test-takers, restricts viewing of captured session media to our reviewers, and provides only still images to clients where they relate to a potential violation.

“There are more ‘false positives’ than ‘true positives.’ Flags that rely on facial detection technology are often incorrect (known as a false positive). If a student is flagged as ‘missing’ but he/she is still visible in the frame, this would be considered a false positive. A ‘true positive’ is a suspicious behavior that is correctly identified by the flagging system.”

All sessions are reviewed by Integrity Advocate invigilators using the same discretion that would be applied by a human reviewer if the event was completed in class.



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Integrity Lock

Intuitive and accessible - secure any assessment environment without sacrificing end-user privacy.

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With Integrity Advocate as your proctoring solution, experience the best of automated and live solutions, with none of the limitations.

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What we DON'T do
Require learners to schedule their learning event, leave their LMS, or suffer through a cumbersome setup.

Reducing test anxiety from the start.